Mad Maine Vintage Shop

This little blog will chronicle my ventures into selling vintage items in a local antique market.
My booth is called Mad Maine Vintage Shop - it features items inspired by a certain popular TV show,
and I am located in lovely Maine. Viva Vintage!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Birthday 25% Off Goodwill Shop-Along


  1. Of course I thrift on my birthday. I have been known to hit more than one store, too, just like you. I haven't been going as much since I have so much to sell, but the thrill of the hunt and the unknown treasures that might be found made me go last night. I scored a vintage lazy Susan poker chip holder, some cool old wallpaper for lining shelves, a little Japanese vase that has great graphics and my special weakness; plates. Gosh, I adore pottery.
    Sometimes, reading what someone else bought almost can duplicate the fun, but not quite.

    1. Wall paper, huh? I adore pottery too - it's becoming a serious addiction/weakness, lol. Happy hunting and selling some of that treasure too:-)

  2. Hey Kay-I go thrifting on my birthday for sure! It seems like the goodwills that you go to have things much cheaper than the ones I go to. My goodwill is in the mid-coast area-everything seems to be more expensive here. Do you ever go to any salvation army stores? They have better prices but not so much good stuff you really have to dig for treasure! Lucky for me we have a bunch of smaller church thrift shops and many other types of thrift stores in my area! I cant wait for yard sale season.Thats were I find the best stuff for my antique booth! Happy treasure hunting.I hope you have a very succesful 2014!

    1. Thanks for the nice comment! My Goodwills are really up and down with their prices, but mostly I can't complain. I used to love the SA in Virginia, but the ones I have been to so far here in Maine have been terrible. So much broken and dirty stuff. But I am going to give them a try again soon, things might have improved :-) I am looking forward to yard sale season too - happy hunting to you too!

  3. Unlimited time in the books? I'm going thrift shopping on my birthdays from now on, without my kids or sisters, who think I spend way too much time in the books!
