Mad Maine Vintage Shop

This little blog will chronicle my ventures into selling vintage items in a local antique market.
My booth is called Mad Maine Vintage Shop - it features items inspired by a certain popular TV show,
and I am located in lovely Maine. Viva Vintage!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I donated!

Vintage Garfield - always a good seller

Wouldn't it be neat to have a sticker proudly declaring for the world to see that one had donated to a charity thrift (ala the "I voted" or "I Gave Blood" stickers?)  Well, I sorta deserved such a sticker today as I hauled 5 large boxes there with lots of (still nice) clothes, shoes, books, knick-knacks, etc.  It took some effort, really it did.  Especially since I drive a really, really small car.

I took a quick round inside afterwards, but not much of interest - except for this 1978 tray.  His expression says it all. I will refer to it as my "I donated" tray. 

Do you donate on a regular basis?

(Linking up with It's a Very Cherry World)


  1. Good for you - I'm sure that'll bring you good vintage thrifting karma. Garfield looks like he's giving you a big hug for your good deed!

  2. I've donated for years. Maybe it's just been an excuse to make a trip to the thrift But really donating keeps your home from looking like a hoarder lives there. Imagine if you still had all of the things you ever bought...the kids toys, clothes, would be a nightmare! Oh and yes I'd wear the sticker too!

    1. Little scares me more than the hoarder. I get nightmares after watching those shows.
      And yes, I donate stuff monthly, but usually in smaller batches (and yes, I also at times use it as an excuse to browse the shelves inside).

  3. Yes, I usually pack up the more sentimental kids clothes and give to friends so I get to see them for another go-around. The rest is mercilessly packed in boxes and donated. Cirle of thrift life :-)

  4. Yes, each month a truck for the "Retarded Citizens" comes around. I cannot tell you how many big yard bags of things I have donated. Also, take thing to the nursing homes.

    1. Wow - talk about a, um, straight-forward name for a charity, lol. I have taken puzzles to a nursing home before (very apprecited).

  5. That's so funny! I just loaded up my van with a bunch of stuff this morning that we were supposed to sell at the garage sale we never had, and took it to Goodwill. I couldn't take it anymore!
    Happy REDnesday,

    1. I know the feeling - such relief when it DISAPPEARS :-) Happy Rednesday!

  6. We donated most of the contents of my parents home, when my dad passed away last year, after a small turnout for our estate sale. We've always got a box "going", getting loaded up with things for GW.

    Love your Garfield tray!

    Happy Rednesday!

    1. The thought of emptying parents' homes is daunting in so many ways...
      Yes, I too always have a box or bag on the go, and usually bring in a bag every two weeks. With the holidays, we had been slacking and then I tackled a large closet. So suddenly I had 5 LARGE boxes of stuff. Phew! Happy Rednesday to you too :-)

  7. I don"t know what we did before there were donation depots - maybe that's why our parents kept so much stuff, they had no place to get rid of everything! I always have a box on the go for donation.

    1. I also think in just a generation back, there wasn't so much stuff everywhere! We had less toys, less clothes, less stuff - and we were fine. I cringe when kids today balk at wearing the same sweater two days in a row. Sigh, end rant.

  8. Hahahaha! I feel you on the small car situation! I donate all the time, sometimes two trips. : )
